State of Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR)
Contract Number# DIR-CPO-4959

PMCS Services was awarded a DBITS contract with the Texas Department of Information Resources. The relationship is part of the DIR Cooperative Contracts program.
Contact Information
For quotes, purchase orders, and warranty information, please contact us at:
The DIR contract number should be referenced on the Purchase Order.
Andy Smetana
Phone: (512) 948-3144
Fax: (512) 592-7999
DBITS Contract Overview
PMCS has provided Deliverable-Based IT Services (DBITS) services for 30+ State of Texas DIR customers since 2009. We currently have staff/services available to respond to agency needs and, if specialized skills are required, we are willing to find the specific, qualified staff who can successfully complete your project.
The Deliverables-Based IT Services (DBITS) Services contract through the State of Texas DIR is an approved means of providing DBITS services to Texas state agencies based on statement of work (SOW). Agencies may choose from a list of approved vendors either through a competitive process that is usually sent to all active contract vendors or by going directly to a trusted, proven vendor. Either way, services are based on statement of work (SOW) basis and all services are subject to management and oversight by agency staff.
PMCS Services, Inc., offers deliverables-based information technology services (DBITS) through this contract, specifically:
Technology Category 1: Application Development, Maintenance, and Support, Technology Upgrade, Migration, and Transformation; and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
Technology Category 3: IT Assessments, Planning, Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V), and Market Research, Procurement Advisory, and Contract Implementation Services.
This contract is for services ONLY. No hardware or software products may be sold through a DBITS contract. Resellers are not available for this DBITS contract.
How To Order:
Visit DIR Contracts and Services: DBITS Ordering Process or contact us directly at (512) 948-3144 or
DBITS Technology Category 1 Offered:
Enterprise services tailored to meet the unique business needs.
In this era of rapidly evolving technology, application development is not an elective for a business. It is a prerequisite! It is imperative for organizations to standardize business practices and reduce application lifecycle costs.
Application Development means the development of new applications which may be mainframe, server, network-based, web-based or a combination. The requirements for new applications may require interfaces to existing applications.
Examples of services provided under this category include: researching; analyzing; gathering requirements; designing; programming; testing; documenting and implementing; applying changes to the software language and/or database in which the application is written; providing corrections for production or any changes needed and participation in disaster recovery planning and documentation.
- Offer performance and scalability in application development
- Manage integration and quality of application capabilities
- Improve performance, availability, and manageability of large tables
- Find hidden patterns and insights of development
- Execute logical, dynamic and materialized views
Application Maintenance and Support
We offer fast, reliable and secure application maintenance and support services. Our application maintenance and support teams enable an organization to perform at high standards. Application Maintenance and Support includes the skills and requirements for supporting application systems, including troubleshooting, modifying, maintaining and enhancing legacy systems.
Services include research, analysis, design, programming, testing, documenting and implementing maintenance changes; correcting software errors; modifying reports and ensuring accurate report runs; making modifications to the applications and documentation; writing ad hoc queries; loading and applying changes to the software language and/or database in which the application is written; providing corrections for production or any changes needed and participation in disaster recovery testing, planning and documentation. Services may include availability 24/7 or on an on-call basis.
- Offer support performance and scalability
- Manage integration and quality of enterprise level services
- Offer improved support, performance, availability, and manageability
- Find hidden patterns and insights support levels
- Execute deployment of support services as needed
Technology Upgrade, Migration, and Transformation
Technology Upgrade and/or Migration may be required to increase business functionality, reengineer a business function, and keep current with vendor upgrades & technology. Technology Transformation may be accomplished by converting/migrating legacy applications to new technology either with or without new business functionality or it may include introducing new technology into the enterprise. Technology Upgrade and/or Migration may also include providing website content accessibility compliance.
The following activities may be included: planning, analysis, requirements development, proof of concept, deployment, implementation, integration, remediation, data migration, documentation, application programming and support services; and training support.
- Offer reliability, performance and scalability on transformation
- Optimize integrations to keep enterprise level upgrades and migrations
- Find hidden patterns and insights in legacy applications and transform them to modern enterprise level applications
- Execute and utilize the new and greatest technologies with accessiblity features
ERP: CAPPS, PeopleSoft and Oracle
ERP are integrated applications of an organization’s back-office information systems designed to automate and integrate a variety of functions, including finance, accounting, procurement, human resources and business operations. These systems are modularized and highly configurable. CAPPS is the State of Texas PeopleSoft ERP that utilizes PeopleSoft Financials/Supply Chain (FSCM) and Human Capital Management (HCM) to manage the State’s most critical business transactions. Our ERP capabilities focus on CAPPS, PeopleSoft, other Oracle ERP & reporting products. The following services are available: planning and assessment; requirements development; business process reengineering (BPR); implementation and conversion; application programming and support; database administration, system software administration and support; functional support; and training support
- Offer CAPPS Consulting Services.
- maintain integrations with all supporting applications
- Offer PeopleSoft, Oracle ERP & reporting analysis, implementation and maintenance support services
DBITS Technology Category 3 Offered:
IT Assessments and Planning
We offer IT Assessments and Planning including IT effectiveness, maturity, governance, project management and architecture. Strategic planning activities may include visioning and goals, objectives, and strategy development. Tactical planning may require actionable plans and roadmaps be developed.
Examples of our services: IT assessments, including enterprise architecture; staff knowledge & skills and abilities (KSAs) assessments; and strategic and tactical planning.
Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V)
Independent Verification and Validation services check support State of Texas customers with an independent assessment that a product, service, or system meets requirements, the implementation follows SDLC processes and specifications and that the project fulfills the customer’s intended purpose.
Services include: Validation of software design to meet system needs/requirements; traceability of safety critical requirements; design analysis of selected critical algorithms; code analysis of mission-critical software components; independent oversight and assessment of systems development life cycle (SDLC) processes (such as issue and risk management, requirements analysis, testing, data conversion etc.)
Market Research, Procurement Advisory, and Contract Implementation Services
Information Technology Procurement Assistance services include assistance in developing an IT Statement of Work (SOW) and/or Request for Offer (RFO). Procurement assistance activities may include requirements gathering, scoring criteria development, identification of qualified service providers, and evaluation criteria development.
Services include: specification development, Statement of Work (SOW) development, and RFO development for IT products and services.
Note: Under Texas Government Code, § 2155.004, a state agency may not accept a bid or award a contract that includes proposed financial participation by a person who received compensation from the agency to participate in preparing the specifications or request for proposals on which the bid or contract is based. The selected Vendor and the employees of that Vendor who perform IT Procurement Assistance Services will be ineligible to respond to any resulting solicitation(s).
Statement of Work
PMCS Services welcomes the opportunity to do business with all Texas state agencies. Should you have a need for our services, you may contact us using the information provided above in the Contact Information section.
Please visit DIR Web site for PMCS Service DBITS Contract - DIR-CPO-4959
Please visit this page for PMCS Accessibility Statement